Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Vandals im

Once again I woke up on the wrong side of the law.
Apparently I FORGOT to pay my yearly excise tax, for a long time. And then my registration expired and then I FORGOT to renew.
The State Cop that pulled me over was kind enough to let me drive home and gave me a ticket for $100.

Then I get home and the mailman has left me more good news....I FORGOT to pay enough state taxes to Taxachusetts in 2007; apparently they were able to recalculate this after 4 years. $3k.

Did the Fed Taxes for this year; owe $3.7k; added to the $1k from last year, still unpaid and the 20k from 2004 to 2007, now we're talking some serious cash.

I would call my lawyer, but I owe him $1k, and he said no more pro bono.

ON my way up the road I remembered that I owe the association $1k, phone $500, electric $400, I must owe my ex some money; but her lawyer will let me know.

And back to the origin of this rant; how $100 turns to $400 when you FORGET to pay your excise taxes; now plus the $100 for the ticket...

At least I've got my health. The Medical Flex spending account randomly turned off my account for "improvements" until april 1st --the day of fools.

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